
Counting finished for today - 2020 Territory Election

Counting in the 2020 Territory Election has finished for today.

The updated results are available on the NTEC website.

On Monday scrutineers will be able to review the determinations made during preliminary scrutiny of declaration votes.

The review session in Darwin for Top End divisions will be held at the NTEC office on Level 3 of the TCG Centre at 80 Mitchell Street from 9am to 4pm.

The review session for Central Australian seats will be conducted at the Old ANZ Bank in Todd Mall, also between the hours of 9am and 4pm.

Reviews of divisions with a margin of less than 100 and the division of Mulka will be conducted first. Scrutineers wishing to attend review sessions should contact the following people at the respective locations:

Darwin - Wayne Harlock on 0437 252 682.

Alice Springs - Phil Ninnes on 0422 182 114.

There will be no counting conducted on Monday, 31 August.

Counting will resume on Tuesday, 1 September. The details of the count will be released on Monday afternoon.