
Division of Arnhem

History of name

The division was created for the first Legislative Assembly election in 1974. It is named after the former Arnhem Land Reserve which in turn took its name from the Dutchman Abel Tasman’s ship the ‘Arnhem’. Tasman explored the Gulf of Carpentaria and the north-west coast in 1644.


The division of Arnhem is located in the north-east of the Northern Territory. It includes Groote Eylandt and sections of the East Arnhem, Roper and Katherine regions, including the Tindal RAAF base. Its major communities include Barunga, Beswick, Bulman, Gapuwiyak, Jilkminggan, Mataranka, Minyerri, and Numbulwar.

Approx. area: 118,816 km²


S J M UiboALP2016 - Present
L A L LeeCLP/IND2012 - 2016
M B A McCarthyALP2005 - 2012
J L Ah KitALP1995 - 2005
W W LanhupuyALP1983 - 1995
R L CollinsALP1977 - 1983
R J KentishCLP1974 - 1977


A more detailed map is available here  Legislative Assembly division maps