
Political parties

Registration of a political party

Political parties can apply for registration on the Northern Territory register of political parties.

View the Northern Territory register of political parties.

For a political party to be eligible for registration on the Northern Territory register of political parties, the party must:

  • have a constitution, and
  • be registered under the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 or have at least 200 members who are on the electoral roll for an address in the Northern Territory.

Please read the political party handbook (PDF 362KB), which outline responsibilities and requirements for political parties.

Once you are familiar with these requirements you can complete the application to register a political party form (PDF 2MB) and provide to the NT Electoral Commission

The application, accompanied by a fee of $500 and a copy of the party's constitution, must show the name and postal address of the proposed registered officer of the party. The registered officer is the person who can sign nomination forms for the party's endorsed candidates and is the commission's main contact person for the party.

If the party is not registered under the Commonwealth Electoral Act, the application must also be accompanied by the names and postal addresses of at least 200 members of the party.

The list of members is provided ‘in confidence’ to the commission; no details relating to any party member (other than the secretary and registered officer detailed on the application) are part of the public record.

A party applying under the 200 members criterion should allow up to six weeks for processing to be completed.

The NT Electoral Commission must be advised if the there are changes to a political parties name, registered officer, reporting agent or constitution.

To advise the NT Electoral Commission please complete the following form that is relevant to you and provide to the commission:

The political party’s registered officer must prepare an annual return in an approved form for each financial year.

The annual return will state if the party remains registered.

The registered officer must give the annual return to the NT Electoral Commission including a copy of the party’s current constitution within 16 weeks after the end of the financial year.

To cancel a registration of an NT registered party a registered officer must complete the Application to cancel party registration
or advise of new constitution
form and provide it to the NT Electoral Commission.

Financial disclosure

Parties must submit

  • electoral gift returns
  • electoral expenditure  returns
  • annual gift returns (due 30 days after the end of the financial year)
  • annual (expenditure) returns (due 60 days after the end of the financial year).

Nil returns must be submitted if no gifts were received or expenditure incurred during the relevant period.

Further information can be found in our handbooks and factsheets.

Approved return forms can be found here.