

Nomination requirements

If you are interested in nominating as a candidate in a Legislative Assembly election please review the following links.

The 2024 Territory Election candidate handbook (PDF 614KB) outlines responsibilities and requirements for anyone interested in becoming a candidate.

Once you are familiar with these requirements you can complete the nomination form (nominations forms are currently under construction and will be provided shortly).

A person can be a candidate for election in a Territory Legislative Assembly election if at the date of nomination they are:

  • an Australian citizen
  • 18 years of age or older
  • entitled, or qualified to become entitled, to vote at Legislative Assembly elections
  • a resident within the Commonwealth for at least 6 months and within the Territory for at least 3 months.

As per Section 20 of the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978.

A person may be nominated as a candidate for election for a division by:

  • six electors entitled to vote at the election in the division the candidate wishes to contest; or
  • if a person is nominated as the party candidate of a registered party for that division, the registered officer of a registered political party.

The 2024 Territory Election candidate handbook (PDF 614KB) outlines responsibilities and requirements for anyone interested in becoming a candidate.

Once you are familiar with these requirements you can complete the nomination form.

At the time of nominating, candidates must submit a deposit of $500 by cash or electronic transfer. A personal cheque will not be accepted as per Regulation 3A.

The deposit is refunded if:

  • the candidate is elected, or
  • the candidate receives more 20% of the total number of first preference votes cast the elected candidate, or
  • the candidate gives written notice withdrawing their nomination before 12:00 noon on the day nominations close.

Nominations can only be lodged after the close of the electoral roll and before 12:00 noon on the day nominations close.

Candidate nominations must include a photo of the nominee, meeting the following standards:

  • black and white, full faced vertical portrait of the nominee's head and shoulders
  • has been taken within six months before lodgement
  • has been endorsed and certified on the reverse by the nominee.

The Electoral Commissioner may accept a photograph which does not comply with the requirements of the nominee’s photograph for nomination.

Regulation 3 details the requirements of the nominees photograph

A candidate may withdraw from an election by completing the withdrawal form (PDF 185KB).

The withdrawal must be given to the NT Electoral Commission before 12:00 noon on the day nominations close.

Appointing a scrutineer

Scrutineers are an important part of the voting and counting process and help to ensure transparency and integrity in these election processes. Please read the scrutineer handbook (PDF 180KB), which outlines responsibilities and requirements of scrutineers.

A candidate may appoint a scrutineer to represent them during voting and/or counting.

To appoint a scrutineer a candidate must complete the scrutineer appointment form (PDF 305KB) and provide it to the officer-in-charge of the voting or counting centre.

Electoral advertising and campaigning

There are specific requirements for registered political parties and candidates relating to electoral advertising and election material. Candidates must ensure that they are aware of all regulations relating to:

  • the broadcast and publication of electoral material
  • the authorisation of electoral material
  • the display of election signage
  • campaign activities near voting centres
  • how-to-vote cards.

The following links provide information on signage guidelines and codes:

Financial disclosure

Candidates at NT Legislative Assembly elections and by-elections must lodge an election return stating political donations received and details of all electoral expenditure incurred.

A return MUST be completed and lodged even if the candidate has nothing to disclose (i.e. Nil return).

Read the financial disclosure handbook (PDF 705KB) for more information.

  • Total gifts with details of each person or organisation donating $200 or more.
  • Total number of persons and organisations who made gifts.
  • In-kind gifting of goods, assets and services that were free or below true market value – except volunteer work.
  • Details of loans of $1500 or more.
  • Details of all expenditure according to categories (broadcasting, publishing, display advertising, campaign material, direct mailing, opinion polling/research).

Reporting period commences:

  • For an independent candidate – on the day candidature is announced or the day nominated, whichever is earlier.
  • For a newly endorsed party candidate – from the date of endorsement.
  • For a candidate from the previous election nominating again – 30 days after the previous election day.

For all candidates:

  • Reporting period ends 30 days after election day.
  • Return must be lodged within 15 weeks of election day.
  • Returns are available for inspection on this website from the start of the twenty-fifth week after election day.


  • Candidates must appoint a reporting agent .
  • The onus is on the person disclosing to get it right.
  • If endorsed by a registered political party, donations and expenditure made to the party are reported by the party and not by the candidate.
  • It is illegal to accept donations of $200 or more anonymously.
  • Disclosure amounts are inclusive of GST.
  • There is no limit on donations, there is a limit (called cap) on expenditure, it's $40,000 indexed.
  • A nil return is required even if there is nothing to disclose.

Electoral Act reference: Part 10, Division 4, section 200

People and organisations making donations to candidates may be required to submit a return – more information is available below under 'Donations to political parties and candidates'.