
41 per cent of electors have voted in Daly by-election

With 2 and a half days of voting left in the Daly by-election more than 41 per cent of electors have cast their vote.

A total of 2,343 votes have been cast from a total of 5,706 electors, which includes 104 postal votes that have been returned.

Northern Territory Electoral Commissioner Iain Loganathan said that turn out in the remote areas of the electorate has been pleasing.

“More than 400 electors cast their vote on the first day of voting on Monday at Wadeye,” Mr Loganathan said.

“And by 11am this morning a total of 773 had voted at the Wadeye voting centre.

“In the 2020 Territory Election a total of 636 votes were cast at Wadeye, which included 43 declaration votes.”

Although turn out has also been good in a number of the smaller remote communities in Daly, the number of electors choosing to cast their vote early in the Darwin rural areas is low compared to the 2020 Election.

A total of 1,405 Daly electors voted early at the 2020 Territory Election, while just 693 have cast their vote early in the by-election to date.

“The turnout for last year’s election was 73.5 per cent, but based on the current trend it will be much lower in this by-election,” Mr Loganathan said.

“With only this afternoon, tomorrow and election day Saturday left in the election I encourage all those voters who have yet to have their say to attend a voting centre as soon as possible.”

Early voting centres are open tomorrow from 8am to 6pm at Berry Springs Shopping Village, Coolalinga Central and the NTEC office at 80 Mitchell Street in Darwin.

Election day voting centres will be open on Saturday at Berry Springs School and Wagait Beach Community Centre from 8am to 6pm.

A voting centre will also be open at the Batchelor Outdoor Education Centre hall from 8am to 12pm Saturday.

Voting is compulsory.