
Daly by-election timetable released

Following the resignation of Northern Territory MLA Ian Sloan today, a by-election for the Legislative Assembly Division of Daly will be conducted on 11 September.

The Administrator of the Northern Territory issued the writ for the by-election late today and in accordance with the Electoral Act 2004 a 24-day election period has been set.

The electoral roll for the by-election will close at 5pm tomorrow.

Nominations for candidates will close at 12 noon on Thursday 26 August.

Electoral Commissioner Iain Loganathan reminded all potential electors in the Daly electorate to check they are correctly enrolled at their current address.

“With such a tight time frame for the election to be held, there is less than 24 hours for Daly electors to make sure they are correctly enrolled to vote in the by-election,” Mr Loganathan said.

The full by-election timetable and a map of the Daly electorate is attached to this media release.