
Arafura by-election: Counting finished for the night

Counting in the Arafura by-election has finished for the night.

Manuel Brown (ALP) leads with 1832 votes, Leslie Tungatalum (CLP) follows with 818 votes, and Alan Middleton (FP) sits third on 112 votes.

All early, mobile and returned postal votes have been counted.

There remains 72 postal votes to be returned to the NT Electoral Commission over the next 13 days, in addition to 268 declaration votes yet to be added to the count.

Manual Brown has received more than 50 per cent of first preferences votes, the remaining uncounted votes will not affective the outcome.

The NT Electoral Commissioner will declare the result of the Arafura by-election at 3pm on Monday 20 March following a fresh scrutiny of tonight’s count commencing at 10am.

The progressive tally for the Arafura by-election can be found on the NT Electoral Commission website.

Jordan Burgess
08 8999 7635