
Arafura by-election: Issue of the writ

Following the passing of the Member for Arafura in late 2022, a by-election for the Legislative Assembly division of Arafura will be conducted on Saturday 18 March.

The Administrator of the Northern Territory issued the writ for the by-election today and in accordance with the Electoral Act 2004 a 24-day election period has been set.

The electoral roll for the by-election will close at 5pm tomorrow.

Nominations for candidates will close at 12 noon on Thursday 2 March.

All potential electors in the Arafura electorate are reminded to check they are correctly enrolled at their current address.

For more information and to view the full by-election timetable and a map of the Arafura electorate go to the NT Electoral Commission website.

Jordan Burgess
08 8999 7635