
Barkly Regional Council, Patta Ward by-election: Election day today

Today is the last day to vote in the Barkly Regional Council, Patta Ward by-election.

Voting is open from 8am to 6pm at Barkly Regional Council Chambers, 41 Peko Road, Tennant Creek.

Currently, 23.4% per cent of electors have cast their vote in the Patta Ward by-election.

The NT Electoral Commissioner, Iain Loganathan is encouraging electors that have not yet voted, to vote at the Barkly Regional Council Chambers today.

“Today is the last day for electors to make sure their vote counts in the Patta Ward by-election. I encourage all Patta Ward electors to attend the Barkly Regional Council Chambers before 6pm today” said Iain Loganathan.

Voting in Barkly Regional Council, Patta Ward by-election is compulsory. If you are required to vote, but not able to vote in this by-election vote please contact the NT Electoral Commission.

For more information about the Patta Ward by-election visit the NT Electoral Commission website.

Jordan Burgess
08 8999 7635