
303 nominate for 2021 Local Government Elections

The Northern Territory Electoral Commission has today announced that 303 nominations have been accepted from candidates for the 2021 Local Government Elections.

There are 159 vacancies in 17 local government councils across the Northern Territory.

In the 2017 Local Government Elections, a total of 320 people nominated for 157 vacancies.

Including mayoral elections, there were set to be a total of 60 separate elections to determine the winners of the 159 vacancies in this year’s elections.

However, at the close of nominations, 2 councils had not received enough nominations to fill all vacancies.

Northern Territory Electoral Commissioner Iain Loganathan said supplementary elections for those 2 vacancies would be conducted after the 2021 general elections.

“The timing of those supplementary elections will be decided following a consultation process between the NTEC and the councils,” Mr Loganathan said.

The NTEC will hold 2 declaration of nomination and ballot draws tomorrow at 12pm.

The Darwin declaration for Top End councils will be held on Level 1 of the TCG Centre at 80 Mitchell Street.

The Alice Springs declaration will be conducted at the Arid Zone Research Institute at 519 Stuart Highway.

Media and candidates are welcome to attend.

Attached to this release is a list of vacancies and number of candidates by council and ward.