
Political parties

Attend a candidate information session

  • Alice Springs
    Andy McNeill room at Alice Springs Town Council
    Thursday 4 July, 11am - 12pm
  • Darwin and online
    CDU Waterfront Theatre Auditorium
    Or attend online - here
    Wednesday 10 July, 1pm - 2pm
Contact us to RSVP

Review the requirements below for political parties.

If a political party wishes to nominate a candidate for an election, the party must be registered in the Northern Territory. The registered officer of that party must nominate the candidate.

Registered political parties must meet specific eligibility criteria and maintain compliance with all legislated obligations under the Electoral Act 2004.

The NT Electoral Commission maintains a register of political parties.

Please click on the navigational tabs above to learn about the requirements for political parties.

For more information:

Nominations open Thursday 1 August and close 12 noon on Thursday 8 August 2024.

You are encouraged to lodge your nomination as early as possible. The NTEC cannot accept late nominations.

To nominate as a candidate you must:

1.   Check you are eligible to nominate

To be eligible to be a candidate in the 2024 Territory Election, at the date of nomination you must be:

  • an Australian citizen
  • 18 years of age or older
  • entitled, or qualified to become entitled, to vote at Legislative Assembly elections at the close of roll for the 2024 Territory Election
  • a resident within the Commonwealth for at least 6 months and within the Northern Territory for at least 3 months

You are not qualified to be a candidate if at the date of nomination you:

  • hold an office or appointment (other than a prescribed office or appointment) under a law of the Commonwealth (including the Northern Territory (Self Government) Act) or a law of a State or Territory
  • are employed by the Commonwealth, by a State, a Territory or by a body corporate established for a public purpose by such law and are entitled to any remuneration or allowance (other than expenses reasonably incurred ) in respect of that office, appointment or employment.
  • are an undischarged bankrupt
  • have been convicted and are currently under a sentence of imprisonment for one year or longer for an offence against the law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

2.   Complete the relevant nomination form

Candidate nomination forms will be provided shortly.

3.   Lodge your completed nomination form and pay the deposit

Information about how to lodge and pay your nomination will be provided shortly.

You must to provide a recent photograph (see the candidate handbook for specifications).

4.   Confirm your nomination has been received by the NTEC

You must contact the NTEC to ensure your nomination was completed correctly and that payment has been received.

A nomination will only be accepted if it is completed and submitted correctly before the close of nominations, including NTEC receiving (clearing) payment of the deposit.

For more information:

The NT Electoral Commission must be advised if there are changes to a political party name, registered officer, reporting agent, or constitution.

To advise the NT Electoral Commission please complete the following form that is relevant to you and provide to the commission:

To cancel a registration of an NT registered party a registered officer must complete the application to cancel party registration or advise of new constitution form and provide it to the NT Electoral Commission.

Scrutineers for candidates and parties play an important role in maintaining the integrity of the electoral system. As a scrutineer you can observe the conduct of the election, including the counting of votes, and provide assurance that everyone has followed the electoral rules and procedures.

Candidates can appoint scrutineers to represent them during the voting and counting period.

Each candidate may appoint the following at any time:

  • Voting period: one scrutineer per voting centre
  • Counting period: one scrutineer per count table per centre

Complete the following form to appoint a scrutineer:

Scrutineers must present their appointment forms before entering a voting or counting centre.

Scrutineers are obligated to sign a form confirming that they will not attempt to influence voters or reveal confidential information about a voter’s choice.

For more information:

Printed and electronic campaign and advertising material, must have an authorisation statement in a sufficient font size to be read by the intended audience, containing:

  • the name and address of the person authorising the advertisement
  • if a printed document, the name and address of the printing company
  • if the material is double sided, the authorisation and print company must be on both sides
  • the source of the funding for that material, whether a political party, candidate, associated entity, third party campaigner or otherwise.

Council and government policies regulate the placement of election signage. The following links provide information on signage guidelines and codes:

The NTEC manage a misinformation and disinformation register. The register provides factual information in response to prominent false statements about electoral processes, along with any actions taken by the Commission.

For more information:

During voting hours, campaigning activities are not allowed within:

  • 10 metres of the entrance to an early voting centre, or
  • 100 metres of the entrance to an election day voting centre.

A number of landlords (especially in shopping centres) do not allow campaigning at their venues. Campaigning will not be permitted at these venues.

On election day, designated campaign areas may be specified within the 100-metre prohibition zone.

The NTEC will provide written notice to all candidates about the designated campaign area, and if there are any uncertainties, campaigners should consult with the voting centre manager.

Maps will be displayed at election day voting centres clearly showing the boundaries.

Complete the following form to campaign within a designated campaign area:

For more information:

An updated financial disclosure system was introduced in 2020 to ensure elections are transparent and free from external influence.

Parties must keep a separate bank account (Territory Campaign Account ‘TCA’) with an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI) for electoral purposes. All election expenditure must be paid from the TCA, and any gifts intended for electoral purposes must be transferred into the TCA as soon as practicable.

Parties must:

  • submit financial disclosure returns
  • disclose gifts received, including non-monetary gifts (gifts-in-kind)
  • disclose electoral expenditure
  • remain within the expenditure cap
  • ensure loans are compliant
  • maintain records.

The party's registered officer must appoint a reporting agent for financial disclosure. If no appointment is in force for a registered party, the registered officer of the party is taken to be the reporting agent.

For more information:

Find out about the vote counting process in part 6 of the Candidate Handbook (PDF 614KB).

Result will be made public as soon as practicable. Results are updated throughout the various stages of the count process on this website.

The NTEC makes a public declaration of election results on the Monday following the distribution of preferences.