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Counting in the City of Darwin, Lyons Ward by-election has finished for the night.
Today is the last day to vote in the City of Darwin, Lyons Ward by-election.
Candidate nominations opened on Monday 21 August and closed at 12pm today, for 1 councillor vacancy in the Roper Gulf Regional Council, Never Never Ward by-election.
Voting commenced for the City of Darwin, Lyons Ward by-election on Saturday 26 August.
Today marks one year until the 2024 Territory Election day.
The Roper Gulf Regional Council, Never Never Ward by-election has been announced, with 1 councillor vacancy to be filled.
The NT Electoral Commission has today declared candidates for the West Arnhem Regional Council, Kakadu Ward by-election.
The NT Electoral Commission has today declared candidates for the City of Darwin, Lyons Ward by-election.
Nominations to fill one councillor vacancy for the Tiwi Islands Regional Council, Bathurst Island Ward by-election closed at 12pm today.
Under the proportional representation voting system the quota required to be elected was 915. No candidates received quota on first preference votes.