
2023 Arafura by-election

Disclosure period:  Tuesday 14 March 2023 – Monday 17 April 2023

Gift aggregation period: Friday 1 July 2022 – Monday 17 April 2023


Candidates - Return details

Electorate Name Party Date received
Arafura BROWN, Manuel Australian Labor Party NT Branch Return prior to early voting: 2 Mar 2023
Arafura BROWN, Manuel Australian Labor Party NT Branch Return prior to election day: 15 Mar 2023
Arafura BROWN, Manuel Australian Labor Party NT Branch Post-election return: 2 May 2023
Arafura MIDDLETON, Alan John Federation Party Northern Territory Return prior to early voting: 1 Mar 2023
Arafura MIDDLETON, Alan John Federation Party Northern Territory Return prior to election day: 17 Mar 2023
Arafura MIDDLETON, Alan John Federation Party Northern Territory Post-election return: 12 May 2023
Arafura TUNGATALUM, Leslie James Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory Return prior to early voting: 16 Mar 2023
Arafura TUNGATALUM, Leslie James Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory Return prior to election day: 16 Mar 2023
Arafura TUNGATALUM, Leslie James Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory Post-election return: 28 Apr 2023

Candidates - Return summaries

Electorate Name Party Total value of donations received Number of donors
Arafura BROWN, Manuel Australian Labor Party NT Branch $0 0
Arafura MIDDLETON, Alan John Federation Party Northern Territory $0 0
Arafura TUNGATALUM, Leslie James Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory $0 0
Totals     $0 0

*Totals in this table have been rounded to the nearest dollar

Associated Entities

Associated Entities - Return details

Name Date received
CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd Return prior to early voting: 28 Feb 2023
CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd Return prior to election day: 16 Mar 2023
CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd Post-election return: 29 Apr 2023
Northern Territory ALP Investment Trust Fund Return prior to early voting: 2 Mar 2023
Northern Territory ALP Investment Trust Fund Return prior to election day: 16 Mar 2023
Northern Territory ALP Investment Trust Fund Post-election return: 27 Apr 2023

Associated Entities - Return summaries

Name Total value of donations received Number of donors
CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd $0 0
Northern Territory ALP Investment Trust Fund $0 0
Totals $0 0

*Totals in this table have been rounded to the nearest dollar

Political Parties

Political Parties - Return details

Name Date received
Australian Labor Party NT Branch Return prior to early voting: 2 Mar 2023
Australian Labor Party NT Branch Return prior to election day: 15 Mar 2023
Australian Labor Party NT Branch Post-election return: 2 May 2023
Australian Labor Party NT Branch By-election return of electoral expenditure - parties, endorsed candidates and associated entities - 2023 Arafura by-election: 15 May 2023
Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory Return prior to early voting: 16 Mar 2023
Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory Return prior to election day: 16 Mar 2023
Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory Post-election return: 27 Apr 2023
Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory By-election return of electoral expenditure - parties, endorsed candidates and associated entities - 2023 Arafura by-election: 16 Jun 2023
Federation Party Northern Territory Return prior to early voting: 1 Mar 2023
Federation Party Northern Territory Return prior to election day: 17 Mar 2023
Federation Party Northern Territory By-election return of electoral expenditure - parties, endorsed candidates and associated entities - 2023 Arafura by-election: 11 May 2023
Federation Party Northern Territory Post-election return: 12 May 2023

Political Parties - Return summaries

Name Total value of donations received Number of donors
Australian Labor Party NT Branch $41,606 52
Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory $10,500 2
Federation Party Northern Territory $2,067 2
Totals $54,173 56

*Totals in this table have been rounded to the nearest dollar

Political Parties - Expenditure by category

Expenditure by Total (a) publish, broadcast, post or display ad (b) produce an ad in (a) (c) produce matter requiring authorisation (d) direct mailing
Australian Labor Party NT Branch $7,809 $2,783 $0 $5,026 $0
Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory $15,981 $6,600 $4,964 $4,356 $61
Federation Party Northern Territory $2,067 $642 $0 $1,425 $0
Totals $25,857 $10,025 $4,964 $10,808 $61

*Totals in this table have been rounded to the nearest dollar

Note: entities were required to report on all of the categories of expenditure in the following table. Details are not shown where all entities reported 0 expenditure.

Key to explanation of categories of expenditure

Category Explanation
(a) publish, broadcast, post or display ad (a) publishing, broadcasting, posting or displaying an electoral advertisement in any form and on any platform or at any venue or place during the capped expenditure period
(b) produce an ad in (a) (b) producing an electoral advertisement that is published, broadcast, posted or displayed as mentioned in paragraph (a)
(c) produce matter requiring authorisation (c) designing or producing any printed electoral matter requiring authorisation (for example how to vote cards, posters, or pamphlets) that is published, communicated or distributed during the capped expenditure period
(d) direct mailing (d) producing or distributing electoral matter that is addressed to particular persons or organisations and is distributed during the capped expenditure period
(e) opinion polling and research (e) carrying out an opinion poll or other research about the election during the capped expenditure period

Political Parties - Gifts received over the threshold in the gift aggregation period

Australian Labor Party NT Branch - Gifts received over the threshold in the gift aggregation period

Received from Address Amount
CFMEU 16 Campbell Street
Fyles, Andrew & Cheryl ALAWA NT 0810 $4,500.00
Gardiner, Kerry NIGHTCLIFF NT 0810 $2,100.00
Sharp, Baden LEANYER NT 0812 $1,595.00
United Workers Union GPO Box 32
Totals   $28,195.00

Country Liberal Party of the Northern Territory - Gifts received over the threshold in the gift aggregation period

Received from Address Amount
Dylarn Pty Ltd PO Box 39208
Totals   $10,000.00

Federation Party Northern Territory - Gifts received over the threshold in the gift aggregation period

Received from Address Amount
Australian Federation Party 53 Grand Ridge West
Totals   $2,067.28